We do Innovative solutions for every one

Our clients no longer have to settle for incremental growth, they now enjoy exponential growth.


نظام إدارة المراكز الطبية من كلا من الناحية الادارية والمالية وكذلك النواحى الطبية المختلفة من أول دخول المريض سواء عن طريق العيادات الخارجية أو الطوارىء وتحويل الملف المرضى من مكان لأخر وإجراء الفحصوات المختلفة بين تحاليل وأشعات والتحويل بين العيادات والأطباء والحجز الداخلى والعناية الفائقة والعمليات والمعمل وأمكانية إضافة أى تفاصيل أخرى فى دقائق معدوده ومتابعة أجور الاطباء ومستهلكات الادوية وتكاليف كل خدمة يتم إضافتها على النظام وطباعة التحويلات الخارجية والتقارير الطبية ووصفات الادوية وعمل كشف حساب العملاء والمستحقات.

HIS Management system of the medical centers from both the administrative and financial aspects as well as the different medical aspects from the first entry of the patient, either through outpatient or emergency, and transfer the file patients from one place to another and conduct various tests between tests and radiations and the conversion between clinics and doctors and internal booking and intensive care and operations and the laboratory and the possibility of adding any Additional details in a few minutes and follow up the wages of doctors and drug consumables and the cost of each service to be added to the system and the printing of foreign transfers and medical reports .



نظام إدارة المصانع والشركات الكبيرة وشركات توزيع البضائع والبيع المباشر من خلال المخازن المتحركة والثابتة بالاضافة الى متابعة خطوط سير السيارات والبضائع المباعة والمتبقية وامكانية فتح الطلبيات للعملاء فى اماكن محدده باستخدام نظام جى بى أس والذى يسهل الجرد اليومى والمرتجعات و العروض الترويجيةحيث يعتبر ثورة فى أنظمة إدارة المؤسسات الكبيرة والمتوسطه بدأ من تسجيل فرص البيع والتحكم فى المشتريات والمخازن ودفعات الموردين والتجار والتعامل مع عدد لا محدود من المخازن والفروع والشركاء وعدد لانهائى من التقارير الديناميكة والذى يعمل من على الكومبيوتر أو التليفون المحمول من أى مكان.

The system of managing factories, large companies, distribution companies and direct sales through mobile and fixed warehouses, in addition to following the routes of cars and goods sold and remaining and the possibility of opening orders to customers in specific places using the GPS system, which facilitates the daily inventory and returns and promotional offers, which is a revolution in the systems of enterprise management The large and medium started to register sales opportunities and control of purchases and stores and payment of suppliers and traders and deal with an unlimited number of stores, branches and partners and an infinite number of dynamic reports, supports all handhelds.



نظام إدارة المحلات التجارية ذات التخصصات المختلفة مع الاهتمام بالدقة البالغة والسهولة المتناهية حيث يعتبر ثورة فى أنظمة إدارة المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتناهية الصغر والتى تتاجر فى أى عدد من الاصناف مع امكانية استخدام أو عدم أستخدام نظام الباركود والتحكم فى المشتريات ودفعات الموردين والتجار وكذلك حسابات العملاء والبيع النقدى أو الجملة أمكانية التسعير بأكثر من سعر مع امكانية إضافة الانواع المختلفة من الخصومات أو الضرائب كذلك التحكم فى المخزون والتعامل مع عدد لا محدود من المخازن والفروع والشركاء وعدد لانهائى من التقارير الديناميكة والذى يعمل من على الكومبيوتر أو التليفون المحمول من أى مكان.

The system of management of shops with different specialties with attention to accuracy and extreme ease is a revolutionary revolution in the management systems of small and micro enterprises, which trade in any number of items with the possibility of using or not to use the barcode system and control of purchases and payment of suppliers and traders as well as customer accounts and cash sales or The possibility of pricing more than the price with the possibility of adding different types of discounts or taxes as well as control of the inventory and deal with an unlimited number of stores, branches and partners and an infinite number of dynamic reports.



للإدارات القانونية وشركات المحاماة والمحامين لتنفيذ جميع أعمال المحاماه من قضايا وخدمات قانونية وإدارة المؤسسه بفاعليه ويسر من خلال أدق و أأمن نظام على الاطلاق يعمل من خلال الويب و الموبيل مع مجموعة هائلة من التقارير الديناميكية التى تخلق عدد لانهائى من التقارير بالإضافة لقاعدة بيانات شاملة جميع الجهات والهيئات الحكومية من وزارات ومحاكم وأقسام ونيابات.

Ilawyer for legal departments, law firms and lawyers to carry out all legal acts of legal cases and services Manage the organization effectively and conveniently, the most accurate and secure system ever works through the web and mobile.



نظام إدارة العيادات الطبية لكافة التخصصات وتنظيم السجل المرضى والحجوزات وحساب المريض وتفاصيل كل زيارة من تشخيص وجرعات وفحوصات وكذلك جميع المعاملات المالية الخاصة بالعياده من مصروفات وايرادات مع مراعاة أدق تفاصيل كل نوع من انواع التخصصات الطبية المختلفة من عيون واسنان وعظام ونساء وعيون إلخ لأكثر من ٢٤ تخصص عام.

ِ A Smart EMR and finance clinic solution include visist, reservations , Finance visit files, cover all clinic types with specialized medical sheet for every type, cardology , dental, gynaecology ..... with massive integration and reporting tools in easy way.



نظام إدارة المؤسسات التعليمية والمدارس واكمال الحلقه بين المدرسه والمعلم والطالب وأولياء الأمور بدون الدخول فى التعقيدات التقنية والفنية الازمة لتنفيذ أعلى مستوى من الدقة والسرعه والخدمة المتناهيه بنظام ثورى ننفرد به وطريقة محببه لكل اطراف المنظومه .

Full SIS and LMS solutions Include all LMS aspects that easily empower School managment in new innovative service design for parents and a Teacher's section. For the administration part, there is a full coverage to all the management needs from centralizing data, accounting to reporting.


Our Services Features

Work from anywhere

As long as employees have internet access, they can work from anywhere. This flexibility positively affects knowledge workers' work-life blanace and productivity. One study found that 42% of working adults would give up some of their salary if they could telecommute, and on average they would take a 6% paycut.

Amazing features

There is a high rate of flexibility when using cloud computing because people can opt out of using it whenever they want too. This is also one of the main reasons people love to use this method. Service level agreements are what cover the costs in this case. If the correct quality is not provided then has to pay a penalty cost.

Lower Maintenance Costs

driven by 2 factors: Less hardware and outsourced, shared IT staff. Because cloud computing uses less physical resources, there is less hardware to power and maintain. With an outsourced cloud, you don’t need to keep server, storage, network, and virtualization experts on staff full time. You get economy of scale of those expert resources through your

What is Cloud computing?

With cloud computing, you eliminate those headaches because you’re not managing hardware and software—that’s the responsibility of an experienced vendor . The shared infrastructure means it works like a utility: You only pay for what you need, upgrades are automatic, and scaling up or down is easy.

Cloud-based apps can be up and running in days or weeks, and they cost less. With a cloud app, you just open a browser, log in, customize the app, and start using it.

Businesses are running all kinds of apps in the cloud, like customer relationship management (CRM), HR, accounting, and much more. Some of the world’s largest companies moved their applications to the cloud after rigorously testing the security and reliability of the infrastructure.

As cloud computing grows in popularity, thousands of companies are simply rebranding their non-cloud products and services as “cloud computing.” Always dig deeper when evaluating cloud offerings and keep in mind that if you have to buy and manage hardware and software, what you’re looking at isn’t really cloud computing but a false cloud.

Cloud 2: Mobility and collaboration The latest innovations in cloud computing are making our business applications even more mobile and collaborative, similar to popular consumer apps like Facebook and Twitter. As consumers, we now expect that the information we care about will be pushed to us in real time, and business applications in the cloud are heading in that direction as well. With Cloud 2, keeping up with your work is as easy as keeping up with your personal life on Facebook.


InnovativeDo is a global software professional services organization. Headquartered in Egypt, the company offers Portals, Business Intelligence, Enterprise Application Integration InnovativeDo serves Governments, Law firms, Medical Suppliers, Educational institutions, Telecommunication operators, and Media companies in North America, Europe, and the Middle East.